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Selected Publications and Psychotherapy Manuals



Gottlieb, J.D., Poyato, N., Valiente, C., Perdigon, D., & Vazquez, C. (2018). Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in Spanish public mental health system clients with serious mental illness: Clinical and demographic correlates. Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 41, 234-242.


Riggs, S., Kopelovich, S., & Gottlieb, J.D. (2019). Increasing uptake of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis. Advances in Cognitive Therapy, 19, 4-5.


DeTore, N., Gottlieb, J.D., & Mueser, K.T. (2021). Prevalence and correlates of PTSD in first episode psychosis: Findings from the RAISE-ETP study. Psychological Services, Special Issue: Early Intervention Services for Serious Mental Illness, Psychological Services, 18, 147-153.


Burger, S., van der Linden., T., Hardy, A, de Bont, P., van der Vleugel, B., Staring, A., de Roos, C., van Zelst C., Gottlieb J.D., Mueser K., van Minnen, A., de Jongh, A., Marcelis, M., van der Gaag, M., & van den Berg, D. (2022). ​Trauma-focused Therapies for Posttraumatic Stress in Psychosis: Study protocol for the RE.PROCESS randomized controlled trial, Trials, 23, 851-.


Kopelovich, S., Monroe-DeVita, M., Hughes, M., Peterson, R., Cather, C., & Gottlieb, J.D. (2018). Statewide implementation of cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis through a learning collaborative model. Cognitive & Behavioral Practice, 26, 439-452.


Browne, J., Edwards, A., Penn, DP, Meyer-Kalos, P., Gottlieb, J.D., Julian, P, Ludwig, K, Mueser, KT, Kane, J. (2018). Factor structure of therapist fidelity in first-episode psychosis intervention: Relationships with client and clinician characteristics. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 12, 1052-1063.


Mueser, K.T., Gottlieb, J.D., Xie, Haiyi, Lu, W., Yanos, P.T., Rosenberg, S.D., Silverstein, S.M., Duva, S.M., Wolfe, R.S., & McHugo, G.J. (2015). Evaluation of cognitive restructuring for post-traumatic stress disorder in people with severe mental illness. British Journal of Psychiatry, 206: 501-508.


Meyer, P.K., Gottlieb, J.D., Penn, D., Mueser, K.T., & Gingerich, S. (2015). Individual Resiliency Training (IRT): An early intervention approach to enhance well-being in persons with first episode psychosis. Psychiatric Annals; 45: 554-560.


Gottlieb, J.D., Cather, C., Shanahan, M., Creedon, T., Macklin, E.A., & Goff, D.C. (2011). D-cycloserine facilitation of cognitive-behavioral therapy for delusions in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 131: 69-74.


Gottlieb, J.D., Mueser, K.T., Rosenberg, S.D., Xie, H., & Wolfe, R.S. (2011). Psychotic depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and engagement in cognitive-behavioral therapy within an outpatient sample of adults with serious mental illness. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 52: 41-49.


Lu, W., Yanos, P., Gottlieb, J. D., Duva, S. M., Silverstein, S. M., Xie, H., Rosenberg, S. D., & Mueser, K. T. (2012).Using fidelity assessment to train frontline clinicians in the delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD in persons with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 63: 785-792.


Gottlieb, J.D., Mueser, K.T., & Glynn, S.M. (2012). Family therapy for schizophrenia: Co-occurring psychotic and substance use disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 2012; 68(5): 490-501. 


Gottlieb, J.D., & Mueser, K.T. Clinician competencies in the treatment of schizophrenia. (2009). In J.C. Thomas and M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Psychology Competencies. Springer Publishing. 


Gottlieb, J.D. & Mueser, K.T. Empirically-supported adjunctive treatments for schizophrenia (2008). In W. O’Donohue & N. Cummings (Eds.), Evidence-based adjunctive treatments. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Inc; 340-363.


Hardy, A., Smith, B., Gottlieb, J.D., Mueser, K.T., & Steel. C. (2013). Cognitive-behavioural therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia. In C. Steel (Ed.), Cognitive behavioural therapy for schizophrenia: Evidence based interventions and future directions, London: Wiley-Blackwell.


Kredlow, A., Szuhany, K.L, Lo, S., Xie, H., Gottlieb, J.D., Mueser, K.T. (2017). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder in individuals with severe mental illness and borderline personality disorder. Psychiatry Research, 249, 89-93.


Kane, J.M., Robinson, D.G., Schooler, N.R., Mueser, K.T., Penn, D.P., Rosenheck, R.A., Addington, J., Brunette, M.F., Correll, C.U., Estroff, S., Marcy, P., Robinson, J., Meyer-Kalos, P., Gottlieb, J.D., Glynn, S.M., Lynde, D.W., Pipes, R., Kurian, B.T., Miller, A.L., Azrin, S.T., Goldstein, A.B., Severe, J.B., Lin, H., Sint, K.J., John, M., & Heinssen, R.K. (2016). Comprehensive versus usual care for first-episode psychosis: Two year outcomes for the NIMH RAISE Early Treatment Program. American Journal of Psychiatry, 173, 362-372.  


Minsky, S., Lu, W., Silverstein, S.M., Gara, M., Gottlieb, J.D., & Mueser, K.T. (2015). Service use and self-reported symptoms among persons with positive PTSD screens and serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 66: 845-850.


Mueser, K.T., Penn, D.L. Addington, J., Brunette, M.F., Gingerich, S., Glynn, S.M., Lynde, D.W., Gottlieb, J.D., Meyer-Kelos, P., Cather, C., McGurk, S.R., Saade, S., Robinson, D.G., Schooler, N.R., Rosenheck, R.A., & Kane, J.M. (2015). The NAVIGATE program for first episode psychosis: Rationale, overview and description of psychosocial components. Psychiatric Services, 66: 680-690.


Gottlieb, J.D., & Evins, A.E. (2007). Nicotine dependence treatment for smokers with schizophrenia: A practical guide for clinicians. Current Psychiatry, 6: 65-77.


Granholm, E., Auslander, L.A., Gottlieb, J.D., McQuaid, J.R., Simjee McClure, F. (2006).  Therapeutic factors contributing to change in Cognitive-Behavioral group therapy for older persons with schizophrenia. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 36: 31-41.


Gottlieb, J.D., Pryzgoda, J., Schuldberg, D., Neal, A.C. (2005). Generalization of skills through the addition of individualized coaching: Development and evaluation of a Social Skills Training Program in a rural setting. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 12: 324-338.


Mueser, K.T., Gottlieb, J.D., & Gingerich, S. Social skills and problem solving training. (2013). In S.G. Hoffman, D. Dozois, J.A.J. Smits, & W. Rief, (Eds.), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Complete Reference Guide. Volume 1: CBT General Strategies. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.


Mueser, K.T., Fite, R., Rosenberg, S.D., Gottlieb, J.D. BREATHE: Brief Relaxation, Education, and Trauma Healing: A Brief Intervention for Persons with PTSD and Co-Occurring Serious Mental Health Conditions. (2017: unpublished clinician manual and client workbook: Boston: Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University).


Mueser, K.T., Jankowski, M.K., Hamblen, J., Rosenberg, S.D., Saylers, M.P., Bolton, E.E., & Gottlieb, J.D. (adapted and translated into Castellano Spanish by Jennifer Gottlieb and Leticia Martin Prado). Terapia Cognitivo Conductual Para Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático en Personas con Trastorno Mental Grave. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Persons with Serious Mental Illness (2016/2017; unpublished clinician manual and client workbook.


Gottlieb, J.D., Duva, S.M., Hilton, K., Lerro, C., Rotondi, D., & Mueser, K.T. Stepped-Care Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD in Persons with SMI: Brief Program and CBT Group Intervention (2013; unpublished clinician manual).


Penn, D.L., Meyer, P.S., Gottlieb, J.D., Cather, C., Gingerich, S., Mueser, K.T., & Saade, S. Individual Resiliency Training: A Part of the NAVIGATE Program for First Episode Psychosis (2010; unpublished clinician and client manuals).


Glynn, S.M., Cather, C., Gingerich, S., Gottlieb, J.D., Meyer, P.S., Mueser, K.T., & Penn, D.L. Family Psychoeducation Program: A Part of the NAVIGATE Program for First Episode Psychosis (2010; unpublished clinician and client manuals).


Mueser, K.T., Gingerich, S., Addington, J., Brunette, M.F., Cather, C., Gottlieb, J.D., Lynde, D.W., & Penn, D.L. NAVIGATE Team Members Guide: A Part of the NAVIGATE Program for First Episode Psychosis (2010; unpublished treatment team manual).


Cather, C., Mays, V., & Gottlieb, J.D. Thirteen Week Cognitive-Behavioral Group Treatment for Smoking Cessation Designed to be used with Individuals with Schizophrenia Participating in Varenicline Treatment (2005; unpublished clinician and client manuals).


Cather, C. & Gottlieb, J.D. Cognitive Behaviorally-Oriented Relapse Prevention Treatment for Smokers with Schizophrenia (2005; unpublished clinician and client manuals).

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